Shin-Jo Logitech CO., Ltd. is an international freight forwarder specializing in project/plant/
break bulk transportation, as well as general transportation. We are a logistics company for
special cargos leading the world logistics with differentiated and unmatched know-how.
Shin-Jo Logitech CO., Ltd. fulfills customer satisfaction and customer impression by providing
quick, precise, and economical service to the customers with honest, faithful and competent
experts that find the most optimal logistical solution to their requirements.
Also, we not only provide ocean and air transport, but also constantly support customers in
all other areas related to logistics; such as trading affairs, packing, stevedoring, inland
transportation, cargo insurance, Customs Act, foreign exchange and tax affairs.
In order to enhance the capability of the business process, we largely invest in employee
education and system development. We do it by finding the best solution from the point of
view of the customers, rather than our own profit- finding alternate solutions for more efficient
performance in the fields we don't even specialize in.
As an entrepreneur, I think a good company is a company that can satisfy both its customers and
its employees, and that can contribute the most to society. I believe that Shin-Jo Logitech CO., Ltd.
is truly a 'good company' that is much needed by our customers, and hope for advice and supports
from all of our customers.